Mr. David Renna

I would like to welcome those who read my blog. As we get a little better at this, things are looking up.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Facebook: "The video is under 1024 MB and 20 minutes."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 11: Fun Map 3-D

This is a 2-D jpeg image from the 3-D image in ArcScene. I adjusted the image to reflect the elevation. I have added hillshade and adjusted the color ramp to enhance the image. I also rotated the image so that the 3-D aspect can be more easily scene. This is hard to do in 2-D, but I could not find a way to capture the image in 3-D and export it to the blogger without problems.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week 11 Map 3: Zonal Reclassification

This is deliverable 4 for week 11. The assignment was to reclassify vegetation for study area only. So following instruction from module we used the remap to reclassify the drought tolerance for vegetation in the study area.I chose the color ramp because it is easily distinguishable between levels of tolerance. The no data areas are white. I was able to add all reqquired elements of the map including a legend, neatline, scale bar, north arrow, and source data.

Week 11 Deliverable 3: Model Snapshot

This is the snapshot of my model. The model was run in ArcMAP with modelbuilder.

Week 11 Map 2: Recreation

This is second of 5 deliverable for the week. It showcases the ability to label features using ArcMap 9.3 I followed the instruction in module 1 " add custom text to your maps" to include feature labels of water bodies and recreation features.

Week 11 Map 1: Cities and Roads

This is the first of 5 deliverables for this week. I have followed instructions layed out by Module 1 on Labeling and Annotation. I included all of the required map elements except for a legend which was too excessive.