Mr. David Renna

I would like to welcome those who read my blog. As we get a little better at this, things are looking up.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Module 1 Youth Center Map

As per instructed, I have produced two maps in ArcMap. The first one is of San Diego for planning a trip. I have decided to stay at the Marriott Resort and Marina because it is closest to the ocean but I can still use the trolley system to get to Qualcomm Stadium and I can walk to Seashore Village.
The second map I have defined the available buildings for a potential youth center that fit the profile of high youth population in residential areas. There are six to choose from. I ran into a couple of problems in the second map. When I joined the two layers in step 3 Union of City Zones and Census Block Layers, it appeared to only bring in the information from the Census Block. However, after scrolling down passed parcel number 300 I found this not to be a problem. The information was there. So I learned to look at the whole attributes table not just what apppears on the screen.

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