Mr. David Renna

I would like to welcome those who read my blog. As we get a little better at this, things are looking up.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 10: Ingress and Egress Routes

This is week 10: Deliverable 2 The map shows the local roads around the Cheyenne Mountain Heliport. It shows the 500 ft. buffer zone around the heliport. It would be very important to keep this heliport in operation during a homeland security crisis. It could be a vital transport station for high ranking officials in our government. So I believe it is important to show where roadblocks along these routes would have to be set up. The map shows the five locations of police mandated roadblocks that would have to be established to ensure the operation of the heliport. They are located at point where the local roads intersect with the 500 ft buffer zone around the Cheyenne Mountain Heliport.

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