Mr. David Renna

I would like to welcome those who read my blog. As we get a little better at this, things are looking up.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week8 Deliverable 2: Multi-ring Buffers

This is Week8: Crime Proximity Map
I took more time on this map than any other this week. I was able to distinguish between types of Police Stations, including District Headquarters, Liason Units, ROC Headquarters, and Substations. I included multi-ring buffers to show crime within .5, 1, and 2 miles of existing police stations. I allowed transparency on the buffers to determine where would be the best areas to place 4 new proposed substations. I produced a new layer from this data called proposed substations and added the points to my map to easily show where I thought the new substations should be built. I included a graph to show the number of crimes within existing stations jurisdiction. Unfortunately, this graph did not come out looking like it did in ArcMap. I don't know why my graphs look bad. I guess from looking at others, I probably needed to make them larger for clarity.

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